East Meadows Ward Conference, August 23, 2015
Brothers and
It is a
pleasure to have the opportunity to address you today at our ward conference. I
am standing here today exactly 14 years from the moment that I was kneeling
across the altar from my wife, being sealed to her for time and for all
eternity. Words cannot express how grateful I am for her, and for the Savior
who has opened up the way for me to be with her and my girls for eternity. I want to express my love and appreciation
for you, for all of you! I know that you spend countless hours in building the
kingdom of God here in the East Meadows Ward. I have thought deeply, and prayed
fervently to know what the Lord would have me say to you today. I feel like the
Lord has answered my prayer and given me direction in my preparation.
Today I
would like to speak about how “Sacrifice brings forth the Blessings of Heaven”
To start
brothers and sisters I would like to ask a question:
Do you
believe that the Lord will bless you if you obey Him? I want to ask that again
and I want you to really think about it for a second. Do you believe that the
Lord will bless you if you obey him?
I believe
brothers and sisters that the honest answer to that question will ultimately determine
whether or not we will be willing to sacrifice.
First I
would like to speak to those who sincerely question in their heart of hearts
whether or not the Lord will bless them if they obey him. You may be like the
man with a suffering son who when the Savior asked him if he believed “said
with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). The Lord
performed a miracle in the life of his boy and helped his unbelief. I would invite
you to put the Lord to the test. He
has said, “I the Lord am bound when you do what I say, but when you do
not what I say ye have no promise.” (D&C 82:10) He has said, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of
the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself” (John 7:17).
He has said through James, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that
giveth to all men liberally, and ubraideth not, and it shall be given him.”
(James 1:5) He has said
through the prophet Alma, “if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to
an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, … it will begin
to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will
begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or
that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth
to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.” (Alma
32:27-28) He has said through
Moroni, “ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are
not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having
faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the
Holy Ghost.” (Moroni 10:4-5)
I testify
with all of my heart that if you will experiment upon his word, and do his
will, and ask with a sincere heart and real intent, that in his time and in his
way, he will manifest the truth of it unto you.
Brothers and
Sisters I am about to testify to you of something with all of the power that I
possess and with all of the tender feelings of my heart. I want you to know my
motive for doing so. I do not testify of this for my own good, and not even for
the good of the ward, but for your own good. I want to testify of this truth to
the youth, to the children, and to the adults. I testify of this humbled by the
fact that I hold sacred keys to help guide this ward. This is what I feel to testify of to you today:
you will sacrifice what the Lord has asked you to Sacrifice, he will make more
out of your life than you can…I want to say that again. If you will sacrifice what the Lord has
asked you to Sacrifice, he will make more out of your life than you can.
Though I feel
that have countless examples from my own life, and though I can relate countless
examples from the lives of members of this ward, I would like to relate a simple
account that I heard recently in a training I received on the Sabbath day that touched
my heart and which illustrates powerfully the principle I am trying to testify
Sister and
Elder Beecher, a missionary couple who served in Africa wrote the following:
“We live in
a very poor part of Kenya on the border of Uganda. One of our branch presidents
… is a farmer living on an extended family compound. He is a young man with a
small family. …
“… He has
members of his branch who tell him … that they cannot come to Church on Sunday
because … they are afraid to leave their homes for fear their neighbors will
steal their crops. … [This] is a very REAL concern. … In fact, people … wait to
plant when the other neighbors plant, so they lessen the chance for their early
harvest to be taken. …”

“[The branch
president] continued, ‘I tell them, “I leave my home every Sunday and stay at
Church for long hours of the day. I do not work on the Sabbath. When I return
home, I have often found that my neighbors have stolen my [corn], my chickens,
their eggs, my fruit because they are hungry and they have no food. Still, I
find that when it comes time for harvest, I am blessed because my land produces
more than theirs—even though they work each Sunday. My land produces more, and
I am blessed because I keep the Sabbath Day holy.”’
[this branch president’s] comment, [another branch president] said, ‘I can
attest to the same thing. I have 2 acres of [corn]. My neighbor works 10 acres.
He works every Sunday. I do not. When it comes time to harvest, I have plenty.
My neighbor comes to me for food because he hasn’t enough. I, too, am blessed
for living the law of the Sabbath.’” (Neal and Jackie Beecher, email
message to R. Kelly Haws, May 24, 2011)
The person
who shared this story continued: “The Lord’s ways are higher than our ways—and
so is His arithmetic. It is different than ours.” (Chad Webb, S&I Broadcast,
August 2015)
I know
brothers and sisters that this is true.
I know you
are busy, so am I, but I would like to invite you to sacrifice some time in
order to do some things that the Lord has asked us to do:
the Lord the Sabbath day. Let everything you do on that day be a sign unto him
that you remember His sacrifice and are grateful for it.
the time necessary to magnify your calling
the time necessary to do your home and visiting teaching and to have home and
visiting teachers visit your family.
the time necessary to do family history and temple work
the time necessary to study the gospel with your family
If you will
do so Brothers and Sisters I know the Lord can do more with the time that is
left over than you can do if you were to sacrifice none of your time in order
to build the kingdom of God. I know that some may be too busy to do these
things, but brother s and sisters if you are too busy to do these things maybe
you are too busy. It might be wise to council together as a family about what
you can eliminate in order to fit these essential things into your life.
Richard G Scott has said, “Are there so many fascinating, exciting things to
do, or so many challenges pressing upon you, that it is hard to keep focused on
that which is essential? Satan has a powerful tool to use against good
people, those who are committed to a worthy, righteous life, who want to do
good and intend to make the most of this life. His tool is distraction. He would have
good people fill life with "good things" so there is no room for the
"essential ones." Have you unconsciously been caught in
that trap?” (Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy
[2007], p. 10-11; emphasis original).
If you have
been caught in this trap brothers and sisters I would counsel you to counsel
with the Lord individually and as a family. I know he will direct your paths
for good, and prepare a way for you to keep his commandments.
The same
principle can be applied to tithes and offerings, 10 minus 1 does not equal 9.
The Lord blesses us with what we need and more. I have a testimony of the fact
that the Lord will enable you to do more with 90 percent of your income than
you can do with 100 percent your income. From where I sit brothers and sisters
and with what I have noticed, there is not one person in the congregation who
can afford to not pay tithing and offerings. The Lord has invited each of us to,
“Prove me now herewith … if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour
you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
(Malachi 3:8-10).
I would like
to end where I began and ask once again: Do
you believe that the Lord will bless you if you obey him?

The same God
that did miracle after miracle, from the time Adam down to our day, can and
will work miracles in our lives, and in our family’s lives if we are willing to
do what He has asked us to do and to sacrifice what he has asked us to
None of us
are perfect brothers and sisters, this talk has pricked my own conscience. I
have things that I must change. It is my prayer that each of us can check
ourselves and have the faith to repent if repentance is needed. I know that the
Lord will forgive us and bless us as we seek to do so. I pray that each of us will sacrifice what we
have been asked to sacrifice, because I know “that sacrifice truly does bring
forth the blessings of Heaven”. I so
testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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